I'm inching towards my next decade and as of yesterday; I officially have one more year to complete all the goals I set for myself before turning 25. Not to mention when I was twelve I thought by my twenties my career would be established enough for me to have a penthouse on the UWS. Needless to say, with age comes wisdom...or something like that.
It's all very interesting the way things have panned out over the last few years. Being in the school system for the majority of your life you're paired and matched with people your age and they are suppose to be your friends. You're kids, so your little antics are funny and a bonding point. When you are older and in the real world it's odd when you meet people that are ten years older (or more) and they understand you and accept your quirky little ways. Because let's face it by the time you have a job and you start planning your future you're suppose to know better than do all those silly things like make up songs, right? (Wrong. I still make up songs, my latest hit is called "checklist"- lyrics are available upon request)
I cannot argue that the longer you live (pending your life choices) the more experiences you have to pull from to create your book of wisdom. That's the only way people learn. But what about those people that make age, nothing but a number? The old soul, the person that always seems to be ahead of you by at least 20 years. The same person that convinces you to live your life with carelessness but won't reveal to you how they figured that out. Or the beautiful soul, the person that you meet and wonder how you made it this far without knowing them. Those are the kind of people that are just yours, simply, wholly and un-aged. I like to judge those people by thinking about it like this: If I were to put a memory of them in a bottle and look at it ten years later, would that person be the same? Feel the same? Still make you see yourself differently? Yes, yes and definitely.
So here I am, still making mistakes, wondering what I'll be when I grow up and loving every year that goes by. You know a better way?