Here's a little more about Danielle Decatur...
I grew up in Shaker Heights Ohio the youngest of the four girls and six years older than my only brother. Raised by my dad, I grew up a prissy girl - hated getting dirty, walked on my toes and had such an elaborate Barbie world, Mattel could take tips from me!
I considered advertising/ communications industry as a career in the 9th grade when we had to do those career day projects - from there on I was convinced, this is what I need to know and this is what I will do. With a little learning and a bit of clarification on what this industry entails, I settled in on writing.

Why this blog? I'm hoping to dispel a few "un-truths" and fill a need. Black women writers are often sectioned off in the bookstore because apparently whatever they write will not resonate with a larger audience. This blog is a big loud "heck no!" I would also say the Black community needs examples of literature and culturally applicable writing; not a memoir of a video vixen or biography of a playa, but traditional novels and published writings. I can't say I'm the next Toni M, but I understand what she was doing in her novels, she was building a community through words. So this has become my goal.
I also have a fictional novel in the works and this blog serves as weekly exercise, writing samples and entertainment for my dear readers. I hope if there is something more you'd like to see or subject you'd like to read an opinion on please feel free to write me!