Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Baking Fail.

So I know everyone is up to date with Hurricane Irene so I won't bore you... to sum it up:

Dear Irene,
Thanks for crashing parties, selling out non-perishable items in C town/Gristedes/Fairway, flooding homes, breaking down trees, cutting power, contaminating water and shutting down mass transit in New York. 
No wonder in your wake people were partying like it's 1999. No thanks for stopping by...
You get no love, Dani

So, due to the fact I was in NJ this weekend teaching my boyfriend to play charades because there was no power, I have little to report. I do, however, have a few words on the art of baking. Now, I signed up for the dip contest (bring in a favorite dip) and I spent the whole day looking up recipes, getting psyched up - when I realized, I have NEVER made a dip. So the contest is tomorrow and I just finished my dip and it looks like this:

For dramatic effect, I've decided to use my crap camera on my bberry - because it won't matter anyway, it looks like this in real life. I'm pretty sure the idea is genius and if you were blind folded this might be a treat but a big part of dessert is presentation and I can take the criticism: this doesn't look good. So here is the recipe I'm hoping one of my baking followers can send in something better so I can brush up on my skills.

Bottomless Apple Dip:
Concept - apple pie filling, you dip with graham crackers!
Serve warm.

I think this recipe should be personalized with however you best create apple pie filling (not getting my semi-homemade secret!), bake it, then choose a topping to your discretion like whipped cream and dip away. I can't give away any secret ingredients to this dip, but for this recipe as you can see I've added burnt apple slices to the top.
Moral of this story - I can't bake or create dips. Luckily, someone told me today FAIL is really just an uplifting acronym for: First Attempt In Learning...

Recipes welcome!


  1. Dani-you should have called on the BB rather than snap photos....I have a apple dip quad that has candy apple, carmel, sweet&sour (chinese style) and sour patch kids that you could have used...Now you know I love to bake!

  2. OH anonymous person, please send me the recipe via email I definitely went through a phone a friend episode for this "dip-aster!" thanks for the note :)


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