Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mane-stream Hair

It's been brought to my attention in more forms than one,  Black hair care is getting some limelight. Imagine my surprise when on my relaxing Friday night - watching Grey's on -- there's a Black hair care lesson thrown into the show! For context, Derek (Dr. McDreamy) and Meredith (main character) adopt a Black baby girl, and Dr. Bailey (a Black female doctor on the show) has to teach Derek about his daughter's "kitchen". A kitchen, dear readers is the consistently "tangled" part at the nape of the neck. Why is it called a kitchen? Who knows ... Anyway I thought this was so interesting because there's all this revived interest in Black hair! If we could count the number of tweets for Viola Davis' hair -- "go ahead girl show your natural do..." or "I think it's so great she's showing her natural hair..." For mainstream media to talk like they understand Black hair is interesting considering I've been practicing and studying for a quarter of a century and research shows inconclusive findings.
I do have an update and a plug, in my quest for a hair dresser. I think I might have found a salon ... in the city. Reasonably priced (again for the city) Shag Hair Studio NYC. So, I made an appointment from a friend's recommendation blindly walked in ... If you are unfamiliar with Black hair care and reading this post, let me preface this with not just anyone can work with our challenging tresses. There's technique and sometimes personal experience that qualifies someone to work with this facet of hair. Regardless of my hair stylist roots he was great - he used great product and made me feel good about my hair. You know those stylists that talk about how poorly you treat your hair with the only motive to make you visit more? We'll he didn't do that and I appreciate it, in fact I will go back!

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