So I recently had a conversation with someone, (this party shall remain nameless), and this person claims, "a relationship is like the NBA franchise, men are the owners and women are GMs -- responsible for the day to day operations." Now, one might imagine if this came from my boyfriend that I would freak out, announce that I refused to be considered a back seat driver in our relationship and hang up. But I didn't. I had an epiphany, a light bulb moment, an 'ah ha!' moment. I felt everything go quiet around me, the lights seemed to be brighter and all was crystal clear -- ladies, WE run this!
Think about it ladies, while your man is going on and on about "wearing the big drawers" you GAVE him that sense of empowerment. Well some of us do... and in my expert opinion of being a woman, there are three types of women.
Woman number 1: the passive agressive, push over who definitely makes her man feel like a man because she has completely and utterly consumed herself with him. Not only does he feel like a man but he is numero uno in the relationship - no shared responsibility here. She's not weak (I hate this word), she's insecure, easily influenced and cares more about pleasing her man than herself or other important relationships. These women have sacrificed friendship, family members, and themselves for the false sense of security. Consequently, the men that attract these women are crazy in their own special way. They will stay with these women because they KNOW there are not very many other women around that will stand for being pushed around.
Woman number 2: the arrogant, 'I'm more woman than he will ever be man' type. These women are strong, likely successful, high expectations -- (reader, please note I did not use the word standards). These women are their own worse enemy. Because they deem themselves successful, they become their own standard; thus making ANYONE appear lackluster compared to them. Now, in regards to their expectations, they expect the world but refuse to give them the world in return. And here is the really confusing part, they expect to be taken care of (catered to etc.) but don't want to be. They want all the credit and the glory with none of the other person involved. So how are these women suppose to ever meet someone?
Woman number 3: THE woman. She's smart, sometimes tricky and only deceiving when necessary. She makes her man feel empowered, but holds all the keys (this is the woman in my undisclosed conversation). The real difference is she's the happy medium between these other women. She knows when to be a push over BUT knows how to stand her ground. She has her own faults, but admist all her craziness she can still be loved. Most importantly, she believes in pink... Pink, is the ever present little girl inside these women that wants her to be satisfied. Pink is happy, plain and simple. Pink is the romantic, magical illusion of love and life. I'll be honest, Pink is not realistic, but it's a belief and it keeps these women going and loving and enjoying life. Women who believe in Pink, are comfortable enough with themselves to be in a successful relationship.
I believe in Pink.
So now readers, what do you think? These women are pretty distinct, many women fall into number 3, but there are a few souls that are definitively categories 1 or 2. And to the men out there -- we might let you be the owner, but, know this - you don't have a franchise without us. Furthermore, if you get another GM she might run your team right into the ground. Happy Courting :)
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