Monday, April 12, 2010

Thou Shall Not Steal…

I often think if I lived during the olden days, I would be a proponent of the law: if you steal you lose a hand. I admit living in New York City, I feel very blessed that I haven’t been mugged. Moreover, I keep thinking of the idea that maybe people steal little things because they really cannot afford to pay for it themselves. Now I’ll admit I’m not completely innocent. Sure I’ve eaten grapes or cookies in the grocery store, or stealing a pair of my boyfriend’s socks (this is more of an “unknown taking” I like to think). I remember pretending I was asleep on the New Jersey Transit to get out of showing my ticket. One could say – I stole a free ride to Jersey. (I would argue that the NJT didn’t need that one $5.50 since their employees make upwards of 6 figures WITH benefits). Needless to say I felt bad and plan to confess the next time I’m in for reconciliation.

ANYHOO – stealing. Not ok. I’ll get to the point. I recently purchased razor blades for my Intuition razor (which if you buy these you know they are a pretty penny) and they come in packs of 4 refills. I immediately installed 1 into my razor and when I was in the shower the next day I noticed I only had 2 left. NOW, here’s the clincher – there is only one other person that I live with that shaves with these razors. So I’ve decided it’s either 1 of 2 scenarios. Firstly, I have a magical little fairy that steals razors so she can shave her hairy little legs OR my roommate has stolen my razor. Does she deserve to have her hand cut off? Yes… but not for that reason (fyi: she has increasingly made my life difficult with her antics). I do think she should have to pay me for the $2.87 (unit price of the razor blade) for its replacement.

While we’re playing this game of ‘who stole the cookie from the cookie jar’ (the ghettofied, Intuition Razor blade edition) I would like to eliminate the other suspects… Kitty: 13- year young, grey and white tabby, who both sleeps all day and lacks thumbs to do the deed. Roommate Number 2: who uses a Venus razor blade – and also has not been known to steal. Roommate Number 3: Venus razor blade user as well and understands my boundaries with borrowing and sharing personal items. All suspects have been questioned and none have recently posted an Intuition razor blade on Now that I’ve proven this first roommate is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, what do I do?

And here is where my question comes in. Do I approach her with this accusation and ask for my $2.87 or razor blade replacement? Should I let this go – and say, “maybe she just needs it”? Or do I nullify that thought with “if you can’t afford it why would you buy arguable the most expensive razors on the market”? Where do you draw the line? If I let her get away with this who is to say she won’t steal something else, and isn’t theft the gateway crime into murder… ok that part was dramatic, but really she is a little crazy.

I’m open to opinions and I’d love to read your comments. And I’ll mention this last comment on the topic. Sometimes it’s not the situation itself that makes it bad, but the person who faulted you. Those people that you just don’t like out of principle and if they do something to you – it’s 10 times worse than if your best friend did the same thing. At which point, I have to ask myself and my reader to assess if the situation itself is worthy of any further discussion OR if I should just count my blessings that if this is the worse robbery I’ve been involved with to date (besides Caesar Diaz) –then I should be thankful. What do you think? PS. Thou shall not steal… it’s a commandment ya know.

1 comment:

  1. You need to do something about it. Either a) buy her a new package of 4 and tell her you could tell she really needed them, or b) confront her and say that you're offended that she thinks you are blind and oblivious. If you do a), I think it'd embarrass her and maybe get the point across, but you probably can't ask for the money if you do that. If you do b), then you're straight up confronting her so you might as well ask for the $2.87. Easier said than done, but really, that is ridiculous.


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