Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Those Three little words.

"Oh, I'm sorry" - I probably say this more from bumping into someone than admitting I'm wrong about something. Sometimes I think these words might be harder to say than I love you or I forgive you.

So, the big question - in a relationship, who should apologize first? The boy. Obvis.
It's been my experience that when a man is in love his ego becomes half the size of his heart, which means he puts his lady in front and will apologize first. However, there are times when these boys attempt to assert their executive decision card and turn the tables - making their lady forget who was wrong and grovel to get back in good graces. Here's a prime example:

Once in a while I venture to NJ with my bf - he picks me up at the train. On the weekends the trains leave on the :11 minute of the hour and arrive into NJ on the :51 minute of every hour. Now, this particular weekend my phone was dead, but I've been making this trip for about 3 years, so I'm thinking - he'll be there no later than :55...wrong. I had to find a pay phone - yes circa 1980 - and try to touch less than five percent of the receiver to call, risking contracting ebola... fifty cents and ten minutes later, no answer, still waiting.
I'm mad. When he finally comes, I greet him with: "tardy for the party much?" And he becomes all Silent Stanley on me with an attitude, counter arguing that I should have a charged phone...  a random petty argument ensues, next thing I know someone is saying I'm sorry...

Luckily, these cards get thrown about as often as ladies shed those crocodile tears. Most boys, whether they want to admit it or not, abide by this common laws of dating:
Boys apologize to keep the peace and girls try not to look through their phones.


  1. Ok ok ok. to be honest danielle you should have had your phone charged! AND on top of that I know you barely make the trains going out there so you probably have been late more than once.
    BUT...yea....pay phones...you are a champ.

  2. LOL yea yea I know... BUT still, I used a pay phone. lol jk.


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