Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Shades of Gray

My typical morning starts with a hot shower, making coffee and running to the train. I love my train ride because I tune out, get thirty more minutes to wake up and listen to some of my embarrassing playlists like: NSYNC 4EVER, which is basically my rendition of Justin Timberlake's greatest hits. Anyhoo, this morning ride was anything but typical. When I got on the train this man was KNOCKED out - I mean coma-like sleeping. He was wearing a gray hoodie and he had drooled down the front of his sweat shirt. Now, everyone knows gray is not the color to wear if you plan to sweat or endure any other excessive amounts of bodily fluids. The man was sporting a drool bib that was 80% black. Not only was he drooling (oh and taking up two seats - mass transit pet peeve), he was snoring so loudly my JT jam session was interrupted.

I'm also one of those people that has what they call "an eye problem" I get caught staring all the time. When I see something intriguing - includes, people, places and things, it's like I have to keep looking or I might miss something. My roommate says I'm a target for muggers and my bf always yells at me for staring at the odd balls on the train. So anyway, I was literally looking at this man the whole train ride and I was starting to feel nauseated. I also started to get this sensation that I had something on my face. You know when you see someone with food on their face, you can almost feel the matter particle on yours?? Hope I'm not alone on this boat.

I mean this man was going to walk around for at least another 5 hours with this homemade bib. Who knows, maybe he needed the rest... I sure wasn't going to wake him up!
Moral of the story? Don't sleep on the train - one: you might get robbed and two: something else a shade of gray could get the best of you -

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